2024-2025 Officers
President: Cheryl Weber
Vice President: Martha Tinsley
Treasurer: Tori Corkery
Recording Secretary: Lynda Brunton
Corresponding Secretary: Karen Marley
The Twin City Garden Club is open to anyone interested in gardening, horticulture and floral design. Club meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m.
We always welcome guests and new members. Annual dues are $20.
For more information about the Twin City Garden Club, please contact us at info@twincitygardenclub.org
Click here for a membership form
Benefits of Membership
Florets, Twin City Garden Club newsletter
GardenGlories, the Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc. quarterly publication
Keeping in Touch, National Garden Clubs, Inc. e-newsletter
Instruction in floral design
Educational and fun programs, plus garden tours
Spring plant sale featuring plants from members’ gardens
Benefit from knowledge of experienced gardeners
Friendships with others who love gardening